Miami ranks again but this time for something surprising

Miami ranks again but this time for something surprising

  • The APT TEAM
  • 04/18/23

Top 7th place of 200 cities

Miami ranks again. But, this time is for something you probably didn’t know. Miami has recently been ranked 7th out of 200 cities surveyed for urban gardening by Lawnstarter. The ranking was based on various factors including access to community gardens, gardening supplies, climate, and support for urban gardening. This ranking is a testament to Miami's thriving urban gardening scene and the city's commitment to sustainability.




Miami's Green Thumb

One of the factors that contributed to Miami's high ranking is the access to community gardens. Miami has several community gardens, including the Little River Cooperative, the Roots in the City Urban Farm, and the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. These gardens provide residents with a place to grow their own fresh produce and connect with their community. The gardens also serve as a hub for education on sustainable agriculture practices and healthy eating.


Another factor that contributed to Miami's high ranking is the availability of gardening supplies. Miami has many stores that specialize in gardening supplies, including Midtown Garden Center, Apollo Plants, MiMo Garden Center, nurseries and the traditional home improvement chains.  These stores provide gardeners with everything they need to start and maintain their gardens, from seeds and soil to tools and equipment.


Miami's climate is also conducive to urban gardening. The city enjoys year-round sunshine and warm temperatures, which means that residents can grow a variety of crops throughout the year. The city's mild winters also mean that many plants can be grown outside of their traditional growing season.

Finally, Miami's support for urban gardening is another factor that contributed to its high ranking. The city has implemented several initiatives to encourage residents to start their own gardens, including the GreenSpace program and the Food Forests for Schools. These programs provide residents with the resources and support they need to start and maintain their own gardens.



Miami has many gardens that showcase the city's commitment to sustainability, including the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, and the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. These gardens are not only beautiful but also serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving the natural environment and promoting sustainable practices.

It is no wonder that famous and iconic landscape artists like Enzo Enea, Raymond Jungles, ArquitectonicaGEO, Herzog deMeuron, West8  have either worked their magic in the Magic City or opened their offices here.

In conclusion, Miami's high ranking among the 200 cities surveyed for urban gardening is a testament to the city's thriving urban gardening scene, commitment to sustainability, and support for residents who want to start their own gardens. With its abundance of community gardens, gardening supplies, favorable climate, and supportive initiatives, Miami is a great place for anyone who wants to connect with nature and grow their own fresh produce.

Stats image source: Lawnstarter

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